What Are The Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments For Dry Hair?

Dry hair is often a problem for many. What should you know and what should you do about them? Read the following instructions to help smooth dry hair.

What Are The Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments For Dry Hair?

What Is Dry Hair?

When your scalp doesn’t make enough oil to moisturise your hair or your hair lets the moisture escape, dry hair is found to happen. 

What are the dry hair symptoms? 

It is noticed the following happens: 




Dry Hair Causes

Resulting from the following is dry hair: 

Dry scalp

There is no natural lubrication for your hair. It is found that to keep it moisturised, it then relies on those oils made in its roots. Dry scalp goes along with dry hair since the roots are under the skin. Thereby leading to those dandruff flakes that happen on your shoulders, coming as dry scalp peels and sheds.  


The fact is that your hair makes less oil as you get older. Often found leading to dry hair are the hormone changes soon after menopause. 

Environmental conditions. 

Also, the dry, hot climate, with frequent sun and wind exposure and frequent exposure to chlorinated or salty water are these including. 

Lack of protection. 

Having a protective layer called the cuticle is each strand of healthy hair.

As it comes that the cuticle protects your hair from heat and also sun damage just as shingles shield your home from rain and sun damage.

The layers lie tightly together and keep moisture in as the case is with a healthy cuticle. It can’t hold moisture and some oil escapes when a cuticle’s layers separate ad peel away from hair. 

Home hair care that includes the following: 

When you wash your hair too often

When a harsh shampoo is used

When you blow-dry too often 

When straighteners or a curling iron causes heat damage.

When you use harsh chemicals like dyes, perms, and relaxers. 

In case of health problems, leading to hair loss the conditions include: 

Anorexia nervosa or bulimia that comes as eating disorders

Hypoparathyroidism and hypothyroidism that are hormonal problems  

In either of the cases see your doctor make sure you don’t have a health problem in case your dry hair occurs with fatigue, intolerance to cold, weakness, or hair loss. 

Dry Hair Treatments and Home Remedies

Wash your hair less often. 

Instead of every day, you may be able to get away with washing once or twice a week. Here many people do. You won’t need to blow-dry and heat-style your hair as much as a bonus when you shampoo less frequently. 

Use a mild shampoo. 

Having fewer drying detergents is a product made specifically to help dry hair. 

Use a conditioner. 

A moisturising conditioner can be chosen. So that they hold in natural oils, it keeps hair cuticles lying flat.  

Avoid alcohol.

It is wise to choose hair products coming without it as it dries out your hair. 

Use natural oils. 

With coconut or jojoba oil, massage the hair 

Try professional deep conditioning. 

It is safer to ask your stylist about this treatment if none of the options above helps. 

Trim split ends. 

Contributing to that frizzy look and feel are this. Making hair feel smoother is by removing them. 

Take your vitamins (and minerals). 

Helping keep your hair healthy is iron, vitamin D, folate, vitamin B12, and selenium. 

Treatments For Hair Thinning That May Work

When you want to do something about your thinning hair, the first thing you should do is to talk to a dermatologist or a trichologist. Recommending treatments that might be right for you, they can figure out what’s causing your hair loss. Including the following are the options they may suggest. 

Minoxidil (Rogaine). 

That you put on your scalp this medication is a foam or a liquid. It is available without a prescription as you can buy it over the counter. Before your hair starts to thicken you may have to use it for several months. You will lose it again if you stop taking minoxidil if you do regrow hair. 

Finasteride (Propecia). 

A pill you take by mouth is this prescription medication. You will lose new hair if you stop taking it as you may have to take finasteride for months before you see results. 


According to the American Academy of Dermatology, a device with hundreds of tiny needles comes with using on your scalp helping hair grow. If you use it along with another hair loss treatment, the site says research suggests that micro-needling may work better. But talk to a dermatologist first as you can buy one of these devices without a prescription. They can recommend a specific microneedling device as they can let you know if it's safe for you. 

Hair Transplant. 

Giving you lasting results is this type of surgery. From one part of your scalp and transplanting them to thinning or balding areas, a surgeon removes individual hairs or a strip of skin with hairs. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the surgery takes 4 to 8 hours. To find out if this treatment is right for you, you need to talk with a dermatologist. 

Low-Level Laser Therapy. 

Research suggests that this scalp treatment may help the following conditions as the American Academy of Dermatology says. 

Male-pattern hair loss

Alopecia areata

Hair loss from chemotherapy

Following a hair transplant, healing, and hair growth. 

Before you notice more hair, you may need to get low-level laser therapy several times a week for months. 

Platelet-Rich Plasma.

In this process, a bit of your blood is taken by a dermatologist and putting it in a machine that separates the plasma from it. Where you are losing hair, then they inject the plasma into the parts of your scalp.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the whole procedure takes around 10 minutes. With a follow-up treatment every 3 to 6 months, most people get the treatment once a month for 3 months. 

Hair Thinning Treatment and Prevention: Get Help Now

In this case, don’t wait for the future. The more likely it is that treatments could help you regrow hair as the sooner you address the symptoms of hair loss. To begin your journey to a fuller head of hair, speak to a medical professional today.

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