Know All About The Possibility Of Psoriasis Causing Hair Loss – Part 2

Here is the continuation of the remedies for psoriasis. With clear knowledge, you can always keep the flares in control. What are the causes and preventions to be observed?

Know All About The Possibility Of Psoriasis Causing Hair Loss – Part 2

Those Lifestyle Remedies

  • People must ask the doctor about the shampoo that is suitable and gently wash their hair. 
  • To take control of their scalp psoriasis and prevent outbreaks, some home remedies and lifestyle changes can help.
  • The American Academy of Dermatologists suggests the following when symptoms occur.  
  • As soon as possible, seek medical advice
  • Try avoiding scratching or picking
  • To prevent further irritation, shampoo gently
  • For flakes and scales, gently brush and comb out
  • Not just for hair, apply any treatment to the scalp
  • Without using the hairdryer, let the hair air dry
  • To reduce the risk of dryness alternate shampoos and use a conditioner. 
  • For people with scalp psoriasis, some types of shampoo are more suitable. 
  • People must check with a doctor which one they should use in case of available medicated and coal-tar shampoos.

Here Are The Tips For Preventing Flares

To prevent symptoms of scalp psoriasis form flaring or worsening these tips help that include: 

  • Quitting smoking
  • Avoiding alcohol
  • Limiting the exposure to cold weather
  • Try limiting stress
  • Maintain a healthy body weight

For psoriatic changes, try monitoring any skin injuries such as cuts or insect bites. 

Before taking any new medication, inform the doctor if you have psoriasis. 

To prevent hair loss some sources suggest using a vitamin called biotin.

Scientists reported on the case study involving one person with psoriasis in 2015 where limiting meat, processed and sugary food for 6 months, the participant increased her intake of vegetables. Including intake of supplements like biotin the team then reported that the symptoms disappeared in time. 

However other factors or nutrients might have contributed to the result as the study involved only one participant. Helping prevent hair loss due to psoriasis there is no evidence the biotin alone will do the job.

Concluding that there is not enough evidence to recommend biotin for this purpose is a review of the literature published in 2017.

The Causes, Risk Factors, And Triggers

While it may be due to a problem with the immune system, the cause of psoriasis remains unclear. 

White blood cells known as T cells appear to attack healthy skin cells in psoriasis. In the immune system, the T cells play a role where they fight off bacteria, viruses, and other invaders. 

The excessive activity of these T cells in the case of psoriasis may lead to faster production of the skin cells. More skin cells move to the surface as the cycle speeds up. Starting up the cycle, several triggers may be behind it. To halt it once it starts a person may need treatment. 

The Risk Factors And Triggers

To increase the risk of psoriasis appearing or a flare starts, several factors and triggers are appearing. 

It can help them to avoid outbreaks when people know about these triggers. When it can be more effective it might also prompt a person to seek treatment sooner.

Here are the risk factors that include,

Coming with a family history of psoriasis

In case of certain viral and bacterial infections, such as:

  • HIV and  recurrent strep throat
  • The weakened immune system
  • The obesity
  • Smoking

What Are The Other Complications?

With a higher risk of psoriatic arthritis or another autoimmune disease are people with scalp psoriasis. 

It is also possible that there will be symptoms of psoriasis in other parts of the body for a person with scalp psoriasis. 

They may have a greater risk of certain health conditions than someone without the condition as additionally people with psoriasis sometimes experience further complications. Psoriasis can also affect the quality of a person’s life. 

There are some medical conditions along with psoriasis including:

  • Psoriasis damages the joints with psoriatic arthritis
  • The metabolic syndrome
  • Certain eye diseases, such as conjunctivitis
  • The obesity
  • Case of high blood pressure
  • A problem of heart disease
  • The Parkinson’s disease
  • Certain kidney disease
  • Also, other autoimmune disorders, that include Crohn’s disease, celiac, and inflammatory bowel disease

It is also observed that psoriasis affects the person’s quality of life in the following ways that include :

  • Due to itching sleep disruption
  • Feeling tiredness and fatigue
  • The feelings of grief or embarrassment over hair loss and skin patches
  • A low self-esteem
  • The problems at work or school
  • Problem of depression
  • Social isolation

Psoriasis is not contagious and people need to know that you cannot catch it from another person.

Linked to hair loss, the other skin conditions as scalp psoriasis comes to be not the only skin condition causing hair loss. A doctor can examine a skin sample under a microscope and rule out other causes to diagnose scalp psoriasis. 

With similar symptoms, the following conditions are possible

  • Ringworm when caused by a fungal infection
  • Alopecia
  • Lupus
  • Cellulitis
  • Folliculitis

For all of these conditions, the treatment is available

Finally, The Outlook

Symptoms of psoriasis can appear on the skin and the scalp whereas psoriasis is a condition that affects the whole body. Although the hair can grow back when the skin symptoms disappear, on the scalp it can lead to hair loss.

A flare of scalp psoriasis should disappear quickly once a person starts treatment according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Early treatment can prevent hair loss as long as they follow the treatment plan correctly. 

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