Here Is What You Can Do After Cosmetic Surgery: Always Try Taking Care Of Your Skin

After cosmetic surgery, you can always try these tips for fast recovery and the best results. Know more about them here. The list contains many important procedures. 

Here Is What You Can Do After Cosmetic Surgery: Always Try Taking Care Of Your Skin

More About Cosmetic Surgery 

You take a significant step toward improving the appearance and health of your skin when you choose to have cosmetic surgery. You need to take special care of your skin in the first few days and 

weeks after cosmetic surgery for the fastest recovery and best results. 

Depending on which cosmetic procedure you elect to have, your at-home skincare prescription will vary. Prior to your procedure, in all instances, make sure you talk with the doctor or aesthetician about cosmetic surgery recovery. 

Types Of Cosmetic Procedures

Ranging from mild procedures such as microdermabrasion to surgical procedures including face-lifts and eye lifts, cosmetic procedures vary in the degree to which they affect your skin. After mild, non-invasive cosmetic procedures than after surgical procedures or treatments that cause more injury to your skin, you will be able to return to your normal skincare routine more quickly. 

Thereafter as the Chief of the Division of Dermatologic and Cosmetic Surgery at the Mount Sinai Medical Centre, Ellen Marmur, MD, says, whether there is skin intact or whether the surgery has left open skin is the principal distinction between procedures. It is concluded that as you need to stop using these cosmeceuticals or the topical medicines for three days after any of the procedures. 

Here is the list of common cosmetic procedures that can leave you with intact skin:


Nonablative laser resurfacing procedures

Mild chemical peels

Fillers or Botox

Here are the common cosmetic procedures that can leave you with open wounds or else with broken skin:

Deep chemical peels

Ablative laser resurfacing treatments

Surgical procedures, such as eyelifts, rhinoplasty, and facelifts

About Cosmetic Surgery Recovery: What Are The Four Cardinal Skin Care Rules

Baby your skin. 

As Marmur tells you to want to heal without any discoloration to optimise your results. You really want to baby it after surgery to prevent pigmentation in case your skin is really red. Keep in mind to use those mild, hypoallergic products that are similar to non-soap cleansers, as well as fragrance-free moisturisers. 

About sun protection be extra vigilant. 

From the words of Steven Hopping, MD, president of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, it's best to avoid the direct sun for the first few days immediately after having a procedure. Opt for a sunscreen that blocks alpha and beta sun rays if you go out. It may be better to steer clear of them as SPF 30 or 40 comes to be sufficient whereas the ones with higher SPF tend to block the pores. 

Let your wounds heal. 

Don’t try picking at your peeling skin or scabs after cosmetic surgery in an effort to speed your recovery no matter how tempted you are. This increases your likelihood of infection or scarring. 

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. 

Drinking six to eight glasses of water a day will help rejuvenate your skin from the inside out and flush any toxins from your system whether you have had a minor procedure or an all-out surgery. 

About Cosmetic Surgery Recovery: What Happens After Microdermabrasion As Well As Other Resurfacing Treatments

Becoming more and more popular are minimally invasive and less expensive cosmetic procedures with faster recovery times such as microdermabrasion. Without needing to take weeks off from work or spend thousands of dollars on a single procedure, these options allow women to reap many of the benefits of cosmetic surgery. 

Hopping further explains, there is essentially no downtime with microdermabrasion. You can be back on your exfoliants and your antiaging factors within 48 hours. 

Don’t skimp on your sun protection after microdermabrasion even though the procedure is mild. Avoid too much sun in the days after the procedure as it can therefore lead to unsightly hyperpigmentation in some of the instances. 

Very similar to those after microdermabrasion is your skincare needs after the mildest types of chemical peels. You should hold off on returning to your normal routine until at least 48 hours after your skin peels, or typically about a week after medium-depth chemical peels, such as salicylic acid peels or TCA peels. 

Ranging from microdermabrasion to ablative laser procedures gentle cleansing and moisturising are essential after all skin resurfacing treatments. Marmur recommends thereby putting moisturising lotion on a warm, wet washcloth and very gently massaging the skin if you have to peel skin that is bothering you. You could remove additional layers of skin causing damage and make sure you don’t scrub. 

Ask your doctor whether you should use a skin-bleaching hydroquinone cream after your cosmetic procedure to lessen the likelihood of this occurrence because resurfacing procedures may result in excessive pigmentation. 

After Cosmetic Surgery: Facelifts, Eyelifts And Rhinoplasty

As you need to treat your wounds, manage swelling, as well as keeping up with everyday skincare for best results, taking care of your skin after cosmetic surgeries are more complicated than after less invasive procedures. 

Especially in the first three days after your surgery, to minimise swelling, experts recommend regular use of ice or cold compresses. Helping avoid an increase in swelling overnight is sleeping with your head elevated above your heart. 

Ask the doctor if you should take Arnica Montana which is an herbal supplement helping minimise bruising or discoloration when there is bruising. 

It is important to continue to cleanse your skin regularly to help with healing and avoid build-up in your pores that might lead to breakouts even though your face will be sore after cosmetic surgery. To cleanse sore areas without applying pressure try washing with mild astringent pads. Be sure to apply a gentle non-comedogenic moisturiser after that. 

Jeffery Dover, a Chestnut Hill, Mass.-based dermatologist, says that they keep the areas clean and moist in all cases. 

Lastly, You Can Always Use Make-Up After Cosmetic Surgery

You can resume using makeup just a few days after your procedure if your skin is intact and you have no open wounds. However, it essential to wait until your epidermis or the top layer of the skin has fully reformed after deep chemical peels or ablative laser procedures. About makeup use after any cosmetic surgery, be sure to check with your doctor.  

Remember the following tips when you do get the go-ahead to use makeup:

Go for mineral. 

That which is gentle on the skin providing excellent coverage, many makeup manufacturers now make mineral-based lines. 

Combat red with green. 

A green base will help balance out those colours and give you a more natural-looking skin tone if you have red skin or purple bruising after cosmetic surgery. For best results, top this base with a powder about one shade darker than you usually wear. 

Wash it off at night. 

Especially during cosmetic surgery recovery, you can’t overestimate how important it is to cleanse your skin regularly. Using a non-soap cleanser, be vigilant about washing your makeup off every night.

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