Here Is An Account Of The Unrelenting Misery Of Eczema

Eczema affects many including babies and school children. Here are the reasons, precautions, and cures. Help yourself learn all about managing eczema. 

Here Is An Account Of The Unrelenting Misery Of Eczema

What Can You Do For Eczema? 

It is often noted that for doctors and patients alike, eczema is a very challenging skin condition. Here the result is the recurring misery, those sleepless nights as also they fight the unrelenting urge to scratch and the unsightly skin that they try to hide with long sleeves and pants for some patients with severe cases. Since it tends to recur, it can be frustrating to treat for doctors. 

When it comes to inflamed, itchy, raw, cracked, as also peeling skin, eczema is a catch-all term. Chances are you and your children will too have it if one of your parents has it as eczema is usually genetic. Very, very long is the list of triggers:

Since anything that dries the skin can set the inflammation process going, to be avoided are prolonged or hot baths. Hot tubs and sauna is included. 

Those deodorant soaps, perfumed soaps as well as body washes.

Similar to grainy body scrubs and even loofahs as anything abrasive. 

Anything that contains lactic acid, salicylic acid, or glycolic acid and similar fragranced moisturisers. 

In this case, as there are pressure points that can start the itch/scratch cycle, use wool clothes or elastics. 

Fabric softeners and other detergents. 

Here as we check about food allergies or sensitivities –

Eggs, dairy, corn, grains, yeast, artificial sweeteners, and soy are the most common. Most dermatologists recommend allergy testing for their patients as food allergies and sensitivities are so associated with eczema. Also useful are elimination diets. 

Similar to dust and pollen, airborne allergens. 

Heated and dry environments. Why eczema is usually worse in winter, is the main reason. 

The weather that is cold and windy

When Eczema Affects Babies And School Children

We have to be cautious as they need to be seen by a doctor promptly and babies and children suffer the most from eczema. Crying and crying, as a result, a baby with eczema is in constant discomfort. They are cranky from lack of sleep and often do poorly in school as school children are not only miserable with the constant itch. The first step is washing with the mildest possible cleanser and making sure that baths are as quick as possible for babies and small children. Moisturise it with a heavy, protective product then while the skin is still damp. It is not good to use them at all in babies as steroids are the very last resort for small children. 

The fact is that by the age of five, some children are usually lucky enough to outgrow eczema. Unfortunately, others are found to be lifelong sufferers. Even the over-the-counter ones, for adults’ antihistamines, can help. Since prolonged use can thin the skin permanently, topical steroids will calm the itch and reduce the inflammation but should be used with caution. Not everybody tolerates them well and they have serious potential side effects as Protopic and Elidel are the big guns. 

Precautions For Flareups

As for eczema, the crucial step is to avoid triggers and then otherwise take precautions every day for the people with eczema. Made from cotton, silk, or linen, wear light, comfortable clothing. 100% cotton or satin should be the bedlinens. Use an only hypoallergic detergent when doing the laundry and put the clothes through the rinse cycle twice so that it helps getting rid of any trace of detergent. Also, instead of dryer sheets, use tennis balls in the dryer. 

After all, you can’t control the weather so it's hard to avoid every trigger.

Rarely eliminating it completely, take every precaution that will lessen eczema outbreaks and make life easier for sufferers and their families.

Eczema is a chronic condition that can be managed but not cured as it comes as the bottom line in most adults. 

How Do You Live With Eczema? 

There is no permanent cure for eczema. So, what should you do to live with it? Most adults with eczema have been suffering from an early age and have been taking it in their stride. What then should they take care of? When going in public wear long-sleeved shirts made from comfortable fabric like cotton, or linen. Always take a shower with warm water and do it as quickly as you can. 

The Bottom-Line On Eczema Itches

Always wear thick greasy ointments made exclusively for eczema before you go out. This helps do away with any itches that can be miserable in the public. Also, consult a good dermatologist when it comes to applying corticosteroids. Expert advice is surely necessary. Help yourself with a good amount of it in the day as well as night according to the doctor. Learn to live with it without worrying about it. There is help readily available as in the case of some self-help groups.

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