Follow The 10 Hair Growing Tips Of All Time

Tips to grow your hair long. Make sure you know the underlying facts to own healthy strong hair. Simple practical tips.

Follow The 10 Hair Growing Tips Of All Time

What Are Hair Care Solutions For Long Hair?

When growing hair past their shoulder becomes impossible for women, they become depressed. Lots of hair care tips come with a lot of promises some are great while others are outrageous. Listed below are the top tips to make a difference in the hair growth journey saving you any more research. Follow these tips and get the dream hair you always crave for. 

#1: Always Use a Shower Water Filter

Living in big cities many of us are compelled to use highly chlorinated hard water. With a shower filter there comes the best and easiest way to reduce harmful exposure to chlorine and other tap water contaminants. While chlorine in the tap water strips hair of natural oils, it can also cause drying and damage to the hair. Your hair and skin retain moisture with the use of shower filtration. Coloring and highlights extend for longer periods when using filtered as it is chemical-free. 

#2: Always Use a Wide Toothed Comb 

As fingers are the best and natural way to untangle your hair, a wide-toothed comb emulates this. It works well for all hair types and lengths. Use your fingers to detangle the hair on most days. A wide-toothed comb should be used to comb out your hair before and after washing during styling. 

#3: Never Use a Brush 

It is widely believed that a boar’s hairbrush works well for your hair as the bristles are natural. But the reality is that any type of brush is too rough for your hair. As brushes rip out your hair, it causes breakage permanently damaging hair follicles. The common infection called alopecia is caused by brushing and wearing tight hairstyles. Avoid slicked back hairstyles to prevent permanent hair loss. 

#4: Rotate Brands of Shampoo and Conditioner

It is important to switch products used on the hair every few months, even if the hair seems to respond fine to the shampoo and conditioner you have been using for a while. As the hair adapts to a certain product, it tends to be less effective over time. Switching the products protects your hair from product build-up re-energizing your hair. This improves the long term health of the hair and scalp as each product has different ingredients affecting the cuticle of hair differently. 

#5: Wrap or Roll Your Hair at Night

The best way to protect your ends is by wrapping the hair at night. You have the potential to move around and fray your ends when you are asleep. Experts suggest using a satin pillowcase but the ends rub against the pillowcase. Wrapping your hair at night will make your hair look great the next day and you don’t have to wear a tight ponytail or use heat styling tools. 

Tip #6: Always Keep Your Ends Trimmed

Many times a haircut is put off time and time again as they don’t want a haircut. Once at the stylist, we beg not to cut off too much. The truth is only when cutting off all the damaged ends start seeing length. The split ends are cut off to stop split traveling up the hair shaft. 

#7: Always Comb your Hair From Tips to Roots

When you hear a hair snap or break, that was a hair loss that could be avoided and brings forth the tip that starts combing from tips first as you can easily detangle any knots or tangles without pulling or ripping the hair unnecessarily. You are sure to be gentler on your hair when you comb from tips to roots. This causes less breakage, damage, and lesser hair fall.

#8: Keep Your Scalp Clean

A clean scalp allows hair to easily and effortlessly grow out of the scalp. It is sure to promote hair health keeping the pores open and allowing the scalp to breathe. Shampooing the hair includes directly applying it to your scalp that rids your hair of product build-up, dirt, and residues. Dandruff on the scalp is product build-up, dirt, and grime that comes as an effect of washing hair less often than we should. The pores become clogged as well as follicles. Avoid greasing your scalp. It causes more dandruff and dry itchy scalps, clog pores and follicles and just the opposite as believed. 

# 9: Wash Your Hair Once a Week

While it is a myth that hair needs to be washed every two weeks or once a month, the reality is that when washed less often, it becomes dry and brittle breaking off. The hair needs and craves water as it is the most important nutrient for the hair. The hair too benefits from vitamins and nutrients in the shampoo and conditioner. 

# 10: Always Rinse Your Hair with Cool Water

Using lukewarm or cool water to wash your hair is recommended. Hot water should be avoided as it strips away natural oils causing hair and scalp to be dry. Rinsing with cool water closes the cuticle of the hair and locks nutrients from shampoo and conditioners. The hair will be healthier and shinier.

Concluding Thoughts

It takes time and patience to grow the hair long. Follow these tips for hair growth and not only will you grow long hair, but it will also be healthy hair. The key to healthy hair is incorporating great habits and eliminating bad habits. 

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