Even As Essential Oils Promise Help, Always Beware Of The Risks – Part 2 

More on the risks and effects of essential oils. Do not take them orally. They may have reactions to your body.

Even As Essential Oils Promise Help, Always Beware Of The Risks – Part 2 

The Article Continued From The Previous One. 

Including a Facebook group, “The Unspoken Truth About Essential Oils,” which now boasts nearly 4000 members, online chat rooms buzz with horror stories and videos documenting bad reactions. 

Power further says he continues to hear of bad, even dangerous, reactions from people who are grossly misusing them, as essential oils when properly used are safe and effective for many routine issues.

Given out there, people are being hurt by following some of the inappropriate advice. 

She says that inappropriate advice is often seen to be coming from the manufacturers’ representative. 

That’s been spread by poorly trained sales representatives, Power says the safety of essential oils has been compromised. 

What Not To Do

The oils generally should not be swallowed as Power says contrary to what several essential oil companies recommend. Also, it was found that by boosting the chance that they will interact with medications or therefore cause an allergic or toxic reaction; the body is now absorbing more this way. Leading to fatigue and headaches are even continued exposure to small amounts that are a few drops a day in a water bottle.

Also, it accounts for throat swelling, a racing heart, as well as vomiting, and even seizures, as said by the Tennessee Poison Centre which saw the number of toxic essential oil exposures doubling from 2011 to 2015, is taking in larger amounts of certain oils like tea tree oil, wintergreen, and camphor. 

That which can irritate the respiratory tract if inhaled particularly in babies is meanwhile essential oils like eucalyptus and peppermint containing compounds called phenol. 

Lavender and tea tree oils contain estrogen-like and testosterone -inhibiting properties that if overused could lead to abnormal breast growth in young boys as recent research by scientists at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences found out. 

Jessica Krant, MD, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Centre in New York City, says that she certainly advises teens and children not to use essential oils. 

Even oils used on the skin can enter the placenta and impact an unborn baby for pregnant women. Leading to miscarriage is swallowing some rare oils including pennyroyal. Power suggests getting the help of a professional who knows thereby to use them or skip them altogether when it comes to being the safest bet during pregnancy. 

Causing chemical burns when exposed to the sun’s UV rays, many citrus oils contain furocoumarins. 

Learning this the hard way last year was Rachael Armstrong, a 44-year-old mother of five from Omaha, NE. She developed a severe sensitivity to the sun hat left her with blisters and welts after just a few minutes exposed to its rays was after weeks of rubbing the store-bought grapefruit oil on her feet as also an appetite suppressant and thereby spiking her water and the laundry detergent with lemon oil. She then says she admits she was probably overusing them. They can do real damage even if she doesn’t think people are aware that even though they are natural products. 

As the use was prolonged, rashes on eyelids from essential oil droplets that are emitted by diffusers, around mouths from peppermint oil-infused mouthwash or lip balm, as well as dime-sized blisters on toes from using undiluted tea tree oil for toe fungus, was Bailey, the dermatologist from California. 

As it did for Haluka, overuse can also lead to lasting problems. 

Bailey then says you will forever be allergic to it once you become sensitised. 

Consumers must go with a trusted brand because the FDA does not test oils for safety before they are sold. 

Krant further opines that there could be lurking as the concern comes of unlisted or hidden ingredients as well as dangerous processing techniques leading to contamination. 

Saying that the company’s rate of bad reactions is almost negligible with 0.0072% of users reporting them are representatives from doTERRA, an industry leader with more than 5 million independent distributors or wellness advocates globally. 

The company said in a prepared statement that education and safety is a top priority for doTERRA. Offering safety guides to consumers, it hosts monthly safety training online for distributors. 

Saying it is determined to assure its distributors do not overstate claims, the company which received an FDA warning letter in 2014 for making unsubstantiated claims about its products. 

The statement said, they recognised the huge efforts doTERRA has made regarding compliance and gave no recommended corrections in the most recent visit from the FDA. 

As based on inconclusive testing, the company dismisses concerns about essential oils disrupting hormones. 

By providing safe and effective options for concerns they face daily the company said essential oils allow users to take ownership of their health. 

Finally, With All The Risks Involved, Are They Still Worth A Try?

Doctors, aromatherapists, and even Haluka who just now published the book named The Unspoken Truth About Essential Oils: Lessons Learned, Wisdom Gained, says they are worth. 

Here she has a few pieces of advice for you: on the different oils study up about their risks and benefits; not just a distributor for a company, consult with a licensed aromatherapist; about how to use them always read the fine print on the bottle or pamphlet.

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